Load Reduction Leadership
A new approach to school improvement based on cognitive load theory
This site is a resource for school leaders who want to facilitate change in their schools. Its tools and strategies apply cognitive load theory to help staff learn and perform at higher levels.
If you're not sure where to start, jump to the Implementing LRL section.
What is LRL?
Staff overload prevents schools from experiencing consistent long-term improvement. Overload is a primary driver of school stagnation and decline.
Load Reduction Leadership (LRL) is a new framework for school improvement that seems like common sense to the best school leaders. LRL helps create conditions where teachers thrive. It empowers staff to think clearly, learn faster, and be more responsive to students. This is accomplished through applications of cognitive science to decrease the frequency teachers experience cognitive overload. Better teaching leads to better student performance.
LRL applies insights from cognitive load theory (CLT) to schoolwide practices to avoid overloading teachers. Extrapolations of CLT phenomena led to the four categories of LRL-aligned and -misaligned practices. A cheat sheet below provides a summary of those categories, their subcategories, and a few examples. The "implementing LRL" outlines how a leader might attempt to start using it for school improvement.
The Cheatsheet
This is a consolidation of LRL strategies leaders can use to support staff. It could be a useful reference when planning communications or initiatives.